
Exhibition Schedule

Tuesday, October 22, 2024:
Noon – 4:00 pm Arrival/Set-up
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Exhibit Ribbon Cutting & Reception

Wednesday, October 23, 2024:
8:00 am – 4:00 pm Exhibit Hours

Thursday, October 24, 2024:
8:00 am – 4:00 pm Exhibit Hours

Friday, October 25, 2024:
8:00 am – 10:00 pm Exhibit Hours
10:00 am – 12:00 pm Closing session and door prizes

Who should exhibit? If your products or services support early childhood education, the healthy development of young children and their families, or the efficient operation of early childhood programming, this conference is a great opportunity for you to connect with early childhood decision-makers and influencers. We also encourage local artisans to exhibit your wares! Goodie bags and samples are suggested to attract traffic to an exhibit.

Conference attendees will be interested in special activities for early childhood centers, parent and family engagement, educational software and technology, instructional materials and curriculum, classroom furniture, dietary services, outdoor learning environments, staff health and wellness, professional development, and other products or services that benefit the early childhood education community.

Our conference will include an Exhibition Ribbon Cutting & Reception as well as a networking reception at the Anderson-Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum during which exhibitors can meet with Head Start Directors and other stakeholders. Throughout the conference, morning and afternoon breaks and lunch sessions will encourage attendee traffic to the exhibition area.

Benefits to you:
Build visibility within the regional Head Start and Early Head Start community!
Gain access to more than 500 early childhood professionals!
Demonstrate, promote, and sell your products or services!

Exhibit Rules and Regulations
  • Exhibitors will maintain an orderly exhibit area.

  • Exhibitors will be responsible for security of goods on display in their exhibit area.

  • Exhibitors will utilize only tables provided as part of exhibitor fee.

  • All displays including banners must be free standing. Nothing shall be attached to walls, ceilings, partitions, or doors.

  • SHIPPING AND STORAGE OF MATERIALS: Advance shipping of items to the hotel is limited due to available storage space and must be approved by the conference organizer and hotel. Please contact Michelle Quintana at (505)320-0273 for questions.

Door Prizes

During the closing session from 10:00 to 12:00 pm on Friday, October 25, 2024, attendees will have the chance to win a variety of door prizes. You can showcase your products and strengthen connections with participants by donating goods or services for these door prize giveaways.


Sponsoring a conference event for attendees is a great way to get additional exposure for your company. Act early so you can sponsor the event or item of your choice. Help make Region VI/NMHSA conference a special one for the attendees.

Sponsorship Levels

All Sponsors will be recognized in the official conference program and includes registration to workshops and any meals provided. Sponsors who also choose to have an exhibition booth will be assigned a prime location in the exhibition hall.

Level One: Mass Ascension ($4,000) - Sponsor and Attend a Reception
Level Two: Flight of the States ($3,000) - Sponsor a Continental Breakfast
Level Three: Balloon Glow ($2,000) - Sponsor a Refreshment Break


Showcase your company or organization in the official Conference Booklet and website. All attendees will receive the conference booklet with your specialized information. Purchase advertisement space:

Full Page Ad - Inside Cover - Front or Back: $600.00
Full Page Inside: $300.00
Half Page Inside: $150.00

Exhibition Fees

Fee includes one 8-foot table and two chairs, one booth ID sign, a conference souvenir book, and bag.

Corporate fee: $750.00

Non-corporate fee: $500.00

*Additional tables will be $400.00 each

**All exhibit locations in the vendor hall will be assigned by lottery selection.

Contact Information

Questions on general conference logistics:
Crystal Pena, crystal.pena@helpnm.com, (505)575-545-3346

Questions on exhibiting, sponsoring, donating and advertising:
Michelle Quintana, michelle.quintana@pmsnm.org, (505)320-0273

Information on being a conference presenter:
Jeannie Baca, jeannie.baca@ydinm.org, (505)810-7498

The Region VI Head Start Association’s
member organizations serve more than 120,000 infants, toddlers and preschoolers and their families and nearly 20,000 staff members in:



New Mexico

